It's not always easy to find time to fit in all those grand ideas you have of sewing your whole Christmas before Christmas actually rolls around... but it's not impossible. Follow this guide to planning ahead to achieve the handmade Christmas of your dreams!

How to Plan Your Christmas Sewing

Be realistic

Decide how much time you think you can give to sewing every week or month. Don't forget the little things that get in the way, and try not to overestimate your time too much - it won't help if you can't commit to it!

Do the Maths

Once you know roughly how much time you have per week/month on your hands, start doing the maths! Add together the hours to give you a total, which is the limit of what you will be able to make in the time given (e.g. 30 hours). 

Choose Your Projects

Decide which projects you want to do and estimate how long it would take to create each one. Then order them into a list by preference, and starting from the top, add up the hours of each project, continuing down the list, until you reach your total number from above (30 hours). This is the realistic number of projects you will be able to work towards, even if they take a bit longer or a bit less time than you imagined.

Plan Your Time

Make a plan of what you are going to do when - you may not work in order necessarily, starting and finishing one at a time. It may be better to plan them all together, shop for them together, then pin and cut them all together, and sew them separately in order after that. Work out what needs doing first, e.g. advent calendars, so you don't run out of time for specific projects!

What should I make first?

It really depends how complicated your designs are and what you want to make, but we would say in order of first to last:

  1. Quilts & larger quilted projects
  2. Stockings
  3. Advent calendars
  4. Table runners/tableware
  5. Clothing
  6. Smaller projects
  7. Gifts
  8. Gift bags/wrap

You want your least complicated makes to be the nearest to the end when you may have less time and energy!


Got your own tips for making for Christmas? Share them below!

July 31, 2017