As we head into the depths of May and June, many of you will be aware of or participating in runs and other activities in support of various cancer charities. So we wanted to give you a heads up on how you could use your sewing skills to help support the great work these groups do!

Sewing for Charity

To find out what your local charities need, it's best to contact them directly and/or join some charity making groups on Facebook!

There are lots of worthy charities that can make use of your sewing skills, and here are just a few ways that you can help them...

Mastectomy Pillows

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Lots of people choose to make these gorgeous heart shaped pillows to help keep those that have recently had to undergo a mastectomy comfortable, as well as cheering them up with some pretty fabric designs.

For more info, try Facebook:

Drain Bags

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Drain bags are also a popular item to sew, as they can be used for many different types of patients and are extremely useful for those that have to carry round a drip for an extended period of time. Bright colours and happy prints are usually the name of the game!

Angel Gowns 

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Many women choose to donate their wedding dresses to charity in order for them to be used to make gorgeous dresses for little babies that left too soon. You can make dresses, hats and more for them usually, but check with your local charity as to what they need. 

A great Facebook group for angel gowns is this one:

Hospital Gowns/Pyjamas

Pyjama Fairies Childrens charity

Being is hospital can be uncomfortable and scary at any age, but especially for children. You can help them to have a more fun experience in one very small way by sewing colourful and fun gowns or pyjamas in age-appropriate fabrics to help them feel more comfortable.

Find out more info at: 

Dress a Girl Around the World

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A lovely group on Facebook creates dresses for girls around the world, to be given to those less fortunate in developing countries who are in the grip of poverty. If you want to find out more, head over to their Facebook page:

Twiddle Muffs/Blankets

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So it's not strictly sewing but it does include some sewing bits! Twiddle muffs and blankets are made for Dementia patients who often are quite fidgety and like to have something to do with their hands. 

Find more info on how to make here:

Want to support charity with your love of fabric?

This month we have introduced two gorgeous charity fabrics, which we are donating 10% of profits from to Breast Cancer Care. A percentage of profits has also been donated from the supplier to breast cancer health and research.

Windham Fabrics - I Believe in Pink - Words 50251-2

I Believe in Pink Words - Windham Fabrics >>

Windham Fabrics - I Believe in Pink - Floral 50252-2

I Believe in Pink Floral - Windham Fabrics >>

May 15, 2018