Brighten up your dining table with some cute and colourful placemats made from the Makower Kitty panel - you could create a whole set from one panel, which makes it fantastic value!
How to Make a Kitty Panel Placemat
You Will Need
- Makower Kitty Panel
- 1 fat quarter backing fabric - we used Riley Blake Enchanted Squirrels
- Thermal fleece
How to Make
1. Cut around the large square picture on the panel leaving a seam allowance for sewing together.
2. Cut the same size square for the backing fabric and the thermal fleece insulating layer.
3. Pin the square picture to the thermal fleece with right side on top and start to sew around some of the pictures using a straight stitch or alternatively you may use the freestyle machine embroidery technique to enhance the features of the picture. We used a straight machine stitch.
4. When you are happy with the stitching attach the front picture square to the backing right sides together and sew around the picture neatly on the external line, leaving a small gap of a few centimetres to turn it out.
5. Clip the corners diagonally and then turn right side out and press. Hand stitch the opening and then machine stitch around the border to finish and press once again.
6. Repeat with the other pictures if you want to create more!