Indulge in your Liberty addiction at Christmas and show off your favourite prints proudly with this fun little project! Great for using up larger scraps, you can size them to whatever material you have left...

How to Make a Liberty Christmas Tree 

You Will Need

How to Make

  1. Start by creating your tree template. We started off by drawing a straight horizontal line 15cm across, found the centre point and measured 26cm up then drew a point. Then simply use a ruler to draw a line from your top point to each end of the 15cm line, to create a triangle shape. You can adjust these measurements easily to make it bigger or smaller but don't forget to take into account the height of your stick.
  2. Next, use your template to cut out two triangles from fabric. If you use a fat quarter of fabric and the print is non-directional, you should be able to get about 5 pairs of triangles from your fabric - enough for a whole forest of Liberty!
  3. Now you need to add your tassel trim. Start at the top of the triangle and create 3 swags hanging diagonally across the tree. You will need to cut and pin three pieces of trim on, making sure your tassels won't get stuck in the seam allowance at the edge. Repeat for your second triangle if you want the tassels on both sides.
  4. Stitch the trim on with a white thread, stitching along the top and bottom of the trim strip. Trim any excess that overhangs the edges of the triangles.
  5. Place your triangles right sides together and pin in place, making sure all tassels are tucked inside and well away from the edges. Then, sew all round the edges using a 1cm seam allowance, and leaving a gap of about 5cm at the centre of the bottom of the triangle to turn out.
  6. Trim your seam allowance, clip the corners and turn out. Press and press the seam allowance of your gap under at the same time.
  7. Stuff the tree with your toy stuffing, then pop the stick into its base and insert into the tree, adjusting your stuffing so that it sits right. 
  8. Finally, hand stitch the gap closed, up to the stick on each side.


Tagged: Christmas