What a week! It's been the toughest week yet trying to get things in order, and one of those 'it has to get worse before it gets better' kind of weeks...

Shop Progress: Week 3

As with many big clean up jobs, you get to that point where you feel like you're going backwards and not making much progress... and that's how we felt this week, despite getting lots done. 

While the shop doesn't look too different to the untrained eye, we have actually been finalising our layout and making lots of important decisions about what should go where! And having a stab at some calligraphy on the windows...

More than that, we've been doing LOTS of ordering - so get ready to see some gorgeous new products online soon, including gorgeous cotton lawns, jerseys, viscose and more, as well as new Disney fabrics, habby items and some stunning summery Tilly patterns! 

Lots you of you got involved in our offcuts sale so we actually spent a fair amount of time packing up orders, as well as lots of lovely subscription boxes too - this month seems to be extra popular! 

In the end, we needed to go back to IKEA to pick up some more units - what a wonderland it is - to give us a lovely look of continuity throughout the shop. 

This week we also got our habby unit! I know it doesn't sound exciting but we've been waiting for one for ages, and getting to hang it all up and see how it looks really gets us excited for all the new habby on its way! However, it did prove more difficult than any Ikea unit has been to put together... 

Finally, an exciting development for all of you avid sewing addicts, we have finally managed to confirm a schedule of classes for the next 3 months, which will be going online next week - so keep an eye out! 

And Amy's favourite moment of the week... ordering a scrummy sewing-themed cake for our opening event from Occasional Cakes Bournemouth! You won't want to miss it....

In case you didn't see it already, we also have our Facebook event live for our official opening event - find it here and let us know if you're going to be there! You'll be able to see all of the exciting things we have planned for the day including a pattern swap, lucky dip and more!

June 24, 2018